Are We Europe #10 The Sports Issue


For too long, headlines about Europe have obsessed over Brussels, Brexit, and borders, ignoring the bigger picture.

We believe Europe needs journalism that collaborates across nations, generations and identities. That highlights solutions to shared challenges. That focuses on its people.

As an award-winning media outlet, we bring you borderless journalism from the next generation of storytellers.

Podcasts, print magazines, and multimedia stories: with the support of our members, we’re (dis)covering Europe through a new lens.


What can sports tell us about who we are? This magazine is for sports fans and sceptics alike!

Sports are the stuff of nation-building, symbolism, anthems and collective pride. But also of exclusion, violence and collective hysteria. They inspire us to push the limits of human endurance, to seek glory and to suffer losses, but also to express ourselves and get to know our bodies better.

基本資料 Information
出版社 Are We Europe
出版日期 2021年3月1日
書籍語言 英文
釘裝 平裝
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