Donya 2003 DVD

In this breezy domestic comedy and Iranian box office smash, Donya (Hediyeh Tehrani) returns from America to discover that it is not easy to find a place to live in modern-day Tehran. Eventually, she hires Haji (Mohammad Reza Sharifinia), the well-to-do owner of a realty company, to help her out. Though a traditional conservative and much older than Donya, Haji falls for his attractive new client and his newly stirred passions prompt him to do things he might not ordinarily do, including updating his clothing style, cutting his hair, and sending his wife and family on a vacation to get them out of the way.
基本資料 Information
Year 年份 2003
Country 國家 IRAN
Director 導演 Manuchehr Mosayyeri
region 地區碼 1
format 影音格式 DVD
Subtitles 字幕 英文
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