誰和誰共母 Madres Paralelas Bluray


Two women coincide in a hospital room where they are going to give birth. Both are single and became pregnant by accident. Janis, middle-aged, doesn’t regret it and she is exultant. The other, Ana, an adolescent, is scared, repentant and traumatized. Janis tries to encourage her while they move like sleepwalkers along the hospital corridors. The few words they exchange in those hours will create a very close link between the two, which by chance develops and becomes complicated, changing their lives in a decisive way. 大熱問鼎2022年奧斯卡金像影后,横掃全球90項大獎及提名!劇本醞釀20年,《萬千痛愛在一身》西班牙國寶級導演艾慕杜華與繆斯女神、巨星彭妮露古絲第七度合體黃金組合,讓她憑從影以來最佳演出,首度於威尼斯影展封后!兩位意外懷孕的單親媽媽分娩在即,在同一病房偶遇,感受卻截然不同:邁入中年的愛麗絲(彭妮露古絲 飾)無悔不婚生產,滿懷希望地迎接新生命;背負心靈創傷的少女安娜(米妮娜絲密 飾)卻對未來感到焦慮與不安。萍水相逢的兩人,因同時誕下女嬰而交心,竟成為了她們糾纏著彼此人生的起點……一對本來平行獨立卻命運相連的單身母親,通過宣洩、揭密與理解,導演再次大膽探索了天下母親治療傷痛的熱情與勇氣。在敍述西班牙動蕩歷史的同時,亦歌頌過去幾代女性堅強自立、守護家庭的決心。

基本資料 Information
Year 年份 2021
Country 國家 Spain
Director 導演 Pedro Almodóvar(script)
region 地區碼 A
format 影音格式 Bluray
Subtitles 字幕 繁體中文, 英文
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