The Tipping Point: Slightly Oversized Edition


Some of the world’s greatest creators have each written and drawn an original story that explores the key moment when a clear-cut split occurs, a mutation, a personal revolt or a large-scale revolution that tips us from one world into another, from one life to an entirely new one: The Tipping Point. From slice-of-life tales and science-fiction adventures, to amusing asides and fantastical fables, witness these major (and minor) changes and evolution through the eyes of these visionaries from the worlds of manga, bande dessinée, and comics.

基本資料 Information
作者 Taiyo Matsumoto , Emmanuel Lepage , John Cassaday , Eddie Campbell , Naoki Urasawa , Bob Fingerman , Boulet , Paul Pope
出版社 Humanoids, Inc.
出版日期 2016年2月3日
書籍語言 英文
頁數 132
釘裝 精裝

About the Author

John Cassaday began his professional career with Negative Burn. It wasn’t until he showed his portfolio to Mark Waid at San Diego Comic Con that he began receiving job offers from Dark Horse, DC, and Marvel. He eventually collaborated with Joss Whedon on "Astonishing X-Men" which led to more work and even directing an episode of Whedon’s television show, "Dollhouse." Most recently he helped relaunch the successful "Star Wars" comic franchise alongside Jason Aaron for Marvel Comics.

Frederik Peeters is a contemporary Swiss graphic novelist. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in visual communication from the École Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués in Geneva in 1995. Peeters has created numerous award-winning graphic novels including “Blue Pills,” “Pachyderme,” and the “Aama” sci-fi series. He currently lives with his partner Cati, her son, and their daughter in Geneva.

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