Blackhawk films# The Childhood of Maxim Gorky/ Moscow Clad in Snow DVD


Gorky's poverty-stricken childhood formed his life-long compassion for the underdog, and the film is filled with powerful portraits of lower-class people whose qualities of integrity and dignity shine through their hopeless circumstances. Among many others are the half-blind Grigori who works at the grandfather’s dye factory and who is taunted by his co-workers before finally succumbing to total blindness to become a down-and-out beggar, and Gorky’s little orphaned friends, who live out of garbage cans dreaming of a Utopian Neverland. From these portraits come an inspiring, panoramic view of human conditions and conflicts.

基本資料 Information
Year 年份 1938
Country 國家 Soviet Union
Director 導演 Mark Donskoy
region 地區碼 1
format 影音格式 DVD
Subtitles 字幕 英文
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