A Kind of Loving 1962 BR

The debut full-length feature film from acclaimed director John Schlesinger (Midnight Cowboy), A Kind of Loving stars Alan Bates as Vic Brown, a young draughtsman whose search for love leads to Ingrid Rothwell (June Ritchie, in her silver screen debut), an employee in the company. Ingrid quickly falls in love with Vic…but when she becomes pregnant, Vic only reluctantly agrees to marry her. Finding himself forced into a life he never wanted, Vic resents Ingrid and the position of sudden responsibility. When Ingrid ends up losing the baby, Vic, spurred on by the acid-tongue remarks of his sour mother-in-law (Thora Hird), makes a decision that could change all of their lives forever.
基本資料 Information
Year 年份 1962
Country 國家 USA
Director 導演 John Schlesinger
region 地區碼 A
format 影音格式 Bluray
Subtitles 字幕 英文
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