Funny Ha Ha 2002 BR

Following her college graduation, Marnie seeks to discover her life's purpose while spending her time drinking, looking for work and pining for her dream guy. Bouncing back and forth from one unfulfilling temp job to another, she attempts to divert herself from her feelings of ennui by dating a nerdy guy. Can Marnie figure out what she wants and how to get it? Winning dramedy stars Kate Dollenmayer, Mark Herlehy, Christian Rudder. 88 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; featurettes.
基本資料 Information
Year 年份 2002
Country 國家 USA
Director 導演 Andrew Bujalski
region 地區碼 A
format 影音格式 Bluray
Subtitles 字幕 未定義 Undefined
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