Variety (Varieté) (1925) BR

A rediscovered masterpiece of the German silent cinema, Ewald André Dupont's Varieté is a visually dazzling tale of love and betrayal, foreshadowing such great works as F.W. Murnau's Sunrise and Josef von Sternberg's The Blue Angel.

A rediscovered masterpiece of the German silent cinema, Ewald André Dupont's Varieté is a visually dazzling tale of love and betrayal, foreshadowing such great works as F.W. Murnau's Sunrise and Josef von Sternberg's The Blue Angel.

Emil Jannings (The Last Laugh) stars as a carnival spieler who becomes entranced by a waifish dancer (Lya de Putti), and gradually betrays his wife, his honor, and his self-respect in an effort to be the sole possessor of her love.

The dynamic camerawork by Karl Freund influenced an entire generation of filmmakers, and can at last be fully appreciated in this exquisite restoration by the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.

基本資料 Information
Year 年份 1925
Country 國家 Germany
Director 導演 Ewald André Dupont
region 地區碼 A
format 影音格式 Bluray
Subtitles 字幕 未定義 Undefined
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