權力遊戲第4季 - GAME OF THRONES S4 DVD (HK Edition)


驚心動魄的第四季是根據喬治馬丁的暢銷系列書改編而成,蘭尼斯特家族依舊掌控鐵王座寶位,然而他們的自負還有圍繞在其周圍的威脅,他們是否能安然度過呢?正當矢志不渝的史坦尼斯拜拉席恩持續在龍石島重建自己的軍隊,一個更直接的危險來自南方,厭惡蘭尼斯特的紅毒蛇奧柏林馬泰爾來到君臨城參加喬佛里的婚禮,在絕境長城,守夜人看似打敗曼斯雷德正在推進的野人軍隊,結果被一個更加可怕的敵人窮追不捨,更重要的是, 丹妮莉絲坦格利安由她三隻兇猛的龍和無垢者軍隊陪同,她要“解放"彌林,在東方最大的販奴城,而此舉將可能會提供她龐大的力量好讓她執行奪回鐵王座的最終計畫。 Game of Thrones is one of HBO’s signature series and a huge runaway hit for the network. This year, a plethora of compelling storylines will play out to their inevitable, and bloody, conclusions. As the season begins, encouraged by the Red Wedding slaughter in the Riverlands that wiped out many of their Stark nemeses, the Lannisters’ hold on the Iron Throne remains intact … but can they survive their own egos as well as new and ongoing threats from the south, north and east? While an unbowed Stannis Baratheon continues to rebuild his army in Dragonstone, a more immediate danger comes from the south, as Oberyn Martell, the Lannister-loathing “Red Viper of Dorne,” arrives at King’s Landing to attend Joffrey’s wedding to Margaery Tyrell, and perhaps act on an ulterior agenda. In the north, a depleted Night’s Watch seems overmatched against the inexorable Wall advances of Mance Rayder’s army of wildlings, which in turn is being trailed by an even more formidable foe: the undead White Walkers. If that’s not enough, Daenerys Targaryen, accompanied by her fierce trio of dragons and Unsullied army, is poised to "liberate" Meereen, the largest Slaver City in the east, which could provide her with an imposing force to execute her ultimate plan: to sail to Westeros and reclaim the Iron Throne the Lannisters usurped from her family

基本資料 Information
Year 年份 2015
Country 國家 USA
Director 導演 VA
region 地區碼 3
format 影音格式 DVD
Subtitles 字幕 繁體中文, 英文
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