米蘭昆德拉:從玩笑到無謂的盛宴 Milan Kundera: From The Joke to Insignificance DVD (TW Version)


以小說征服全世界的文壇大師米蘭昆德拉低調成謎。他在1985年決定不再接受訪問,也沒公開露面,從此隱身於作品後。如今一名學子,決定挑戰這個不可能的任務:採訪米蘭昆德拉!鏡頭跟隨著他探訪和昆德拉交手過的藝文圈人士,一窺他在家鄉布爾諾的生活、於布拉格FAMU電影學院學習及任教期間的獨到作風。為何他在《生命中不能承受之輕》被改編成電影之後,再不允許自己任何一本小說被翻拍成電影?他為何流亡法國,並決定以法語寫作?昆德拉禁止他的法語著作被翻譯成捷克語的原因又是什麼?從昆德拉第一部長篇小說《玩笑》,到打破封筆宣言之作《無謂的盛宴》,逐步揭開他小說中的哲學探討。他對文字的極致要求,絕對令你大開眼界! Milan Kundera is shrouded in mystery. He has not given an interview in 30 years and doesn't appear in public, so we must learn about him from his work. His essays and philosophical discussions within his novels reveal a lot. Besides other, the film will ask: What in Kundera's work got him the status of a legendary author? What is so unique about his books? Helping us craft the story-line is a student who has a fantastic opportunity to do an interview with Kundera. After weeks of waiting in a cafe outside Kundera's house, reading his novels, the student soon starts to identify with some of the author's ideas. Through this, we are able to learn more about the message of Kundera's work, how and why his stories still move us and compel us not only to think about the protagonist, but about ourselves.

基本資料 Information
Year 年份 2021
Country 國家 Czech republic
Director 導演 Milos Smídmajer
region 地區碼 3
format 影音格式 DVD
Subtitles 字幕 繁體中文
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